Herzlich Willkommen

"Life isn't about being old or having more problem. It's about growing to see this life from a better view coz GOD bless you more"

So...Enjoy your LIFE...

I choose to have faith, because without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Dunia lagi heboh dengan kasus Flu Babi yang menjangkiti manusia, setelah kasus antrax, flu burung, ada lagi flu babi ... hmmmm macam-macam aja serangan virus sekarang ini. Berbagai upaya pencegahan sudah dilakukan seperti dengan dipasangnya alat pendeteksi suhu tubuh di airport-airport, penyuntikan sistem imun pada babi, dll.
Terus apa itu flu babi, bagaimana mencegahnya, dll??? Check this out :